November 17, 2004: Reading Room
to strangers By David Marcus ’92 Most political philosophy is meant for consideration rather than implementation. But Danielle Allen ’93’s new book not only inspires reflection, it calls for action. In Talking to Strangers: Anxieties of Citizenship Since Brown v. Board of Education, published by the University of Chicago in September, Allen explores Americans’ distrust of people they don’t know — evoked in the maxim “Don’t talk to strangers” — which, she says, reflects interracial tension, political and personal alienation, and a deep suspicion of others. At the end of her book, Allen, who was appointed dean of humanities at the University of Chicago last spring, looks at her own institution’s strained relationship with its surrounding low-income community and suggests ways the university can improve it. A classics major at Princeton who earned a doctorate in classics at King’s College, Cambridge, and another doctorate in political theory from Harvard, Allen moves from theoretical to applied politics at the end of the book in a nine-page letter addressed to the University of Chicago’s faculty senate in which she discusses the institution’s history with its predominantly poor, African-American neighbors in south Chicago. The relationship reflects “a culture of distrust now several decades old,” she says. In the early years of the civil rights movement, Allen says, the University of Chicago alienated the surrounding community by imposing a redevelopment plan without its assent. The plan physically cut the campus off from its neighbors. The campus police force is the public face the university presents to much of the community — not a way to build trust, Allen writes. The university still has difficulty recruiting African-American students from its home city because of the resulting suspicion, she says. The situation in Chicago has improved in recent years, Allen writes,
but there is much work to do. She has set up a new branch of the humanities
division to implement the kinds of projects and policies she proposes
in her book, including greater sharing of the university’s resources
with the community, by offering access to libraries and athletic facilities
or establishing satellite campus sites in the area. The resulting goodwill
will allow the university to spend less on police and more on education
— a “peace dividend,” Allen calls it. David Marcus ’92 is a frequent PAW contributor.
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