December 17, 2003: Reading Room
defense of nepotism By Katherine Zoepf 00
The book jacket alone might hit some prospective readers like a finger in the eye an expanse of white broken only by a single silver spoon, with a weighty, expensive-looking handle. Underneath, the title, In Praise of Nepotism: A Natural History, seems deliberately provocative. The author, Adam Bellow 80, has made a career out of such provocations. As an editor at Free Press and, now, at Doubleday, several books he worked on have been famously controversial. They include Dinesh DSouzas Illiberal Education (1991), which argued that many attempts to promote campus multiculturalism actually foster racial tensions, and Charles Murray and Richard J. Herrnsteins The Bell Curve (1994), which argued that intelligence is distributed unequally by race and class. Im a real intellectual outlaw, he says. With his own first book, published this year by Doubleday, Bellow has stayed true to form. Much of In Praise of Nepotism is a straight history of nepotistic practices through the ages, from King Davids vow in the 10th century b.c.e. that the son of his wife, Bathsheba, would succeed him, to Joseph Kennedys machinations on behalf of his sons careers. But Bellows central thesis that a new nepotism is on the rise in American public life and that this may help to balance our excessive faith in the concept of pure meritocracy has caused its share of indignation among columnists and talk-show hosts. Bellow, of course, is the son of novelist and Nobel laureate Saul Bellow. But though he freely admits that his fathers name gave him a boost early in his publishing career, Bellow says that his interest in nepotism does not stem from any particular experience of his own. As a nepotist, he was a total dud, Bellow said of his father. The only job he ever got me was shelving books at the Strand. Rather, Bellow says, he became intrigued by contemporary examples of family enterprise in American political and cultural life. Regardless of race, class, or income, Bellow believes, Americans are increasingly practicing many forms of nepotism even as they outwardly claim to deplore it. In contrast to what he calls old nepotism, when parents hired children or pulled strings to get them jobs for which they may have been ill-prepared, Bellow defines the new nepotism broadly, as ways in which people benefit from a family name using the name, or connections, to open doors even if parents dont do anything directly to land the child a job. He cites examples as varied as the Bushes in politics; the Newhouses in publishing; and the Cusacks in Hollywood. People dont like to discuss nepotism because it tends to
compromise their self-images as self-made men and women, Bellow
says. Americans tend to badly exaggerate the extent to which theyre
self-made. Katherine Zoepf 00 is a graduate student at the London School of Economics.
the intifada By Joseph M. Hochstein 55
For his senior thesis, Joshua Hammer 79 created a two-character stage play. Now, in his second nonfiction book an intricate piece of journalism titled A Season in Bethlehem: Unholy War in a Sacred Place, published by Free Press this fall Hammer works on a bigger, more crowded stage. His opening pages, which he heads Cast of Principal Characters, introduce 21 real-life dramatis personae caught up in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Hammers aim in writing this book, he says, was to go deeper than the day-to-day violence he was covering as Newsweeks Jerusalem-based Middle East bureau chief. An English major at Princeton whose first book, Chosen by God: A Brothers Journey (1999), recounts his reunion after almost two decades with his younger brother, who had embraced ultraorthodox Hasidic Judaism, Hammer has been reporting on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict since October 2000, only weeks after the current intifada began, talking to people on various sides. A Season in Bethlehem focuses on one front in this war. The book is mainly a reconstruction of events, pieced together from interviews conducted in the summer and fall of 2002 after a U.S.-European-brokered compromise ended a 39-day standoff between Palestinian gunmen and Israeli soldiers at Bethlehems Church of the Nativity. Hammers cast includes an exiled militia commander (a sociopath whom the intifada had elevated into a freedom fighter); a student who becomes the intifadas first female suicide bomber; her stunned father (whose private grief had been co-opted into a public spectacle); and Hammers translator, a Greek-Orthodox Palestinian who would let his son marry a Lutheran or a Roman Catholic, or even a Jew, but never a Muslim. Almost all of Hammers characters are Palestinian Arabs. Hammer explores their rivalries, hopes, disagreements, and misgivings in their armed uprising. With few exceptions, Jews and their versions of the Israel-Palestine narrative remain offstage. Hammer, who rejects charges of bias by some readers, sometimes has been a source of controversy himself. In 2001 a pro-Israel group criticized him for not voicing outrage over his own mini-kidnapping by armed Palestinians in Rafah to protest U.S. and British news coverage. After his release, Hammer said, They actually fed us one of the best meals Ive eaten in Gaza. He says he knew he wasnt in danger. This summer, the Palestinian-led International Solidarity Movement published an attack on Hammer on its Web site and called for a retraction of a Mother Jones article in which he made some unfavorable comments about the I.S.M. and Rachel Corrie, a U.S. activist killed by an Israeli bulldozer in Rafah. While critical of the Palestinian side, Hammer assigns greater blame
to Israel and its prime minister. Ariel Sharons dependence
on retribution alone to put down the uprising promised only the perpetuation
of the dismal status quo, concludes Hammer, who offers no happy
endings in his book. He writes that after the church standoff, Bridging
the ever-widening abyss of distrust and hatred that separated the Israelis
and the Palestinians seemed . . . a more formidable challenge than ever.
Joseph M. Hochstein 55 is a writer and editor in Tel Aviv, Israel.
By Lucia S. Smith 04