Princeton University

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Fall 1999
African-American Studies Program

AAS201 : Introduction to African-American Studies
M, W: 7:00-7:50
Robertson Hall 01

NI Painter, A Hayes

Office Hours: TBA,

NI Painter
Office Hours: To Come

A Hayes
Office Hours: To Come

AAS 201 introduces the interdisciplinary field of African-American studies to undergraduates. Team-taught in the fall of 1999 by a performance artist and a historian, it counterposes classic texts and the performative aspects of two centuries of African-American culture. Although we will mainly investigate Afro-North America, we will keep the entire African Diaspora within our sights throughout. The course is organized in a roughly chronological fashion, however our readings and discussions will cross boundaries of time and genre.


Requirements/Grading: One midterm exam @ 20% of grade One final exam @ 40% of grade One term paper @ 30% of grade The term paper is due in 112 Dickinson Hall at 3 PM on 4 January (grace period: up to 11 January, Dean’s date, but no longer.) Precept participation @ 10% of grade. Attendance is required.

Keith A. Mayes
To Come

Last Modified Friday, 20-Aug-1999 12:09:04 EDT