Technology Assessment No Longer Theoretical
By James H. Krieger
Technology Editor
Chemical and Engineering News
April 6, 1970
Technology assessment is no longer just a speculative concept.
Perhaps sooner than many had expected, it could be on the verge
of institutionalization. The concept has been embodied in a specific
bill which will soon be introduced by Congressman Emilio Q. Daddario
(D.-Conn.) in the House of Representatives (C&EN, March 30,
1970, p. 27).
The bill will be something concrete to which involved persons
can now respond. The problem may be one of reaching all those
who should be involved but who are perhaps unaware that they are--particularly
As drafted, the bill would establish an Office of Technology Assessment
to aid Congress in identifying and considering existing and probable
impacts of technological application. OTA would consist of a technology
assessment board to formulate policies of the office and a director
to carry them out and to administer the operation. The board would
be made up of 13 members--two senators, two representatives,
the Comptroller General, the director of the Legislative Reference
Service of the Library of Congress, and seven members from the
public. The last would be persons eminent in one or more fields
of science or engineering or experienced in administering technological
activities. The director of OTA would be equivalent in rank to
the chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission or the director of
the National Science Foundation.
The bill as drafted asks $5 million for OTA for the first fiscal
year. OTA would not itself operate any laboratories, pilot plants,
or test facilities, but would contract with other organizations
for whatever it feels is necessary.
The bill leaves no question as to why technology assessment is
considered a necessary activity. It notes that emergent national
problems--physical, biological, and social--are of
such a nature and are developing at such an unprecedented rate
as to constitute a major threat to the security and general welfare
of the United States. Such problems, it says, are largely the
result of and are allied to the increasing pressure of population,
the rapid consumption of natural resources, and the deterioration
of the natural and social human environment. The growth in scale
and extent of technological application, it continues, is a crucial
element in such problems and either is or can be a pivotal influence
with respect both to their causes and their solutions.
No one can know at this point what technology would be assessed.
Some would undoubtedly relate to government programs. But it isn't
difficult to imagine that much of it would be technology either
initiated or carried out by industry. Much would be chemical technology
or would directly or indirectly affect chemicals or chemical products.
Suppose that technology assessment had been an operational concept,
say, 20 years ago. Suppose also that something like today's
solid waste problem had been foreseen, and that packaging technology
had been the subject of assessment. It is interesting to speculate
on the direction that plastic and nonplastic packaging would have
This may seem a somewhat trivial example beside some of the potential
problem areas now developing--genetic engineering or weather
modification, for example. But it does serve to show that industry
must become involved, whether or not the particular bill about
to be introduced passes. If not this bill, then something similar
will be passed eventually. If not this year, then next. It would
be beneficial to the entire process of technology assessment if
industry would adopt some positive role at the start, rather than
responding later as an offended or regulated party when legislation
based at least in part on technology assessment results.
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