Technology and Handicapped People
NTIS order #PB83-172056
Full Report ~1621K
Front Matter ~25K
Table of Contents ~4K
1: Introduction and Summary ~209K
Part One: Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps
2: Definitions and Demographic ~30K
3: Assessing Disabilities and Planning Services ~85K
4: Conclusions From Part One ~23K
Part Two: Technology
5: Technology and Its Appropriate Application ~59K
6: Research and Development ~113K
7: Evaluation of Technologies ~53K
8: Diffusion and Marketing of Technologies ~346K
9: Delivery, Use, and Financing of Technologies ~147K
10: Developing and Using Technologies: Conclusions From Part Two ~31K
Part Three: Resource Allocation
11: Resource Allocation; Issues and Conclusions ~123K
Part Four: Policy Options
12: Policy Options ~196K
A: Method of the Study ~16K
B: Legislative Overview ~48K
C: Glossary of Acronyms, Glossary of Terms, Acknowledgments, Health Program Advisory Committee Members ~41K
D: OTA Public Outreach Survey ~51K
References ~123K