Impacts of Technology on U.S. Cropland and Rangeland Productivity
NTIS order #PB83-125013
Full Report ~4441K
Front Matter ~55K
Table of Contents ~7K
1: Summary ~158K
2: Land productivity Problems ~1073K
3: RangeIands ~413K
4: Croplands ~857K
5: Technology Adoption ~178K
6: Role of Government ~192K
7: Issues and Options for Congress ~69K
A: The Innovators: The Stories of Five Agriculturalists and Their Commitments to Land Stewardship ~1156K
B: Virgin Lands ~87K
C: Soil Productivity Variables ~64K
D: Analytic Took and Data Bases for Determining the Effects of National Policies on Land productivity ~60K
E: The Resources Conservation Act Preferred Program ~21K
F: Commissioned Papers ~15K
G: Glossary ~70K
Index ~128K