U.S. Industrial Competitiveness: A Comparison of Steel, Electronics, and Automobiles
NTIS order #PB81-235749
Full Report ~4255K
Front Matter ~38K
Table of Contents ~16K
1: Summary ~470K
2: Introduction ~59K
3: Steel, Electronics, and Automobiles: Industrial Structure ~490K
4: Measures of Competitiveness in the Three Industries ~243K
5: Industry-Specific Competitiveness ~1050K
6: Government Policy Effects on the Three Industries ~290K
7: Prospective Competitive Futures ~589K
8: Policies Toward Industry in the United States ~138K
A: Defining International Competitiveness ~274K
B: The Economics of Industrial Policy ~59K
C: The Legal Environment for Industrial Policy ~180K
D: Foreign Industrial Policies ~261K
Index ~208K