Unconventional Cancer Treatments
NTIS order #PB91-104893
Full Report ~3884K

Front Matter ~40K
Table of Contents ~6K
1: Summary and Options ~162K
2: Behavioral and Psychological Approaches ~81K
3: Dietary Treatments ~194K
4: Herbal Treatments ~162K
5: Pharmacologic and Biologic Treatments ~263K
6: Immuno-Augmentative Therapy ~169K
7: Patients Who Use Unconventional ~74K
8: Organized Efforts Related to Unconventional Cancer Treatments: Information, Advocacy, and Opposition ~106K
9: Financial Access to Unconventional Cancer Treatments ~265K
10: Laws and Regulations Affecting Unconventional Cancer Treatments ~164K
11: Laws and Regulations Governing Practitioners Who Offer Unconventional Cancer Treatments ~102K
12: Evaluating Unconventional Cancer Treatments ~73K
A: Method of the Study ~48K
B: Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations ~43K
C: Acknowledgements ~17K
References ~1903K
Index ~127K