The Quality of Medical Care: Information for Consumers
NTIS order #PB89-102180
Full Report
Front Matter
Table of Contents
1: Summary and Policy Options
2: Disseminating Information to Consumers: Present Context and Future Strategy
3: Evaluating Quality From the Perspective of Individual Consumers
4: Hospital Mortality Rates
5: Adverse Events
6: Disciplinary Actions, Sanctions, and Malpractice Compensation
7: Evaluation of Physicians' Performance: Care for Hypertension
8: Volume of Services in Hospitals or Performed by Physicians
9: Scope of Hospital Services: External Standards and Guidelines
10: Physician Specialization
11: Patients' Assessments of Their Care
A: Method of the Study
B: Acknowledgments
C: Method Used by OTA To Evaluate Indicators of Quality
D: Quality Assessment Activities by Selected Organizations
E: Selected Studies Related to the Quality of Medical Care