Informing the Nation: Federal Information Dissemination in an Electronic Age
GPO stock #052-003-01130-1
NTIS order #PB89-114243
Full Report ~3071K

Front Matter ~44K
Table of Contents ~18K
1: Summary ~288K
2: Overview of Federal Information Dissemination ~171K
3: Key Technology Trends Relevant to Federal Information Dissemination ~205K
4: Alternative Futures for the Government Printing Office ~319K
5: An Electronic National Technical Information Service and NTIS/Superintendent of Documents Cooperation ~237K
6: Information Technologies, Libraries, and the Federal Depository Library Program ~376K
7: Alternative Futures for the Depository Library Program ~253K
8: Electronic Dissemination of Congressional Information ~185K
9: The Freedom of Information Act in an Electronic Age ~325K
10: The Electronic Press Release and Government-Press Relationships ~177K
11: Federal Information Dissemination Policy in an Electronic Age ~311K
12: Setting Future Directions for the Superintendent of Documents and National Technical Information Service ~238K
A: Acknowledgments ~32K
B: Contributing Authors ~7K
C: List of Contractor Reports ~8K
D: Some Key Terms and Definitions ~76K