Grassroots Development: The African Development Foundation

NTIS order #PB88-236252

Report cover

Full Report ~2060K
Front Matter ~38K
Table of Contents ~8K

1: Summary and Options ~343K
2: OTA's Assessment Methods ~107K
3: The African Development Foundation ~273K
4: OTA's Findings About ADF-Funded Projects ~464K
5: OTA's Findings About ADF's Funding Program ~416K
6: Lessons for Other Development Assistance Organizations ~89K

A: ADF Projects Awarded From Fiscal Year 1984 Through Fiscal Year 1987 ~23K
B: Summaries of 12 ADF-Funded Projects Visited by OTA ~185K
C: Desk Reviewers, Participants in the Methods Workshop, and Members of OTA Field Assessment Teams ~9K
D: Field Team Methods: The Assessment Materials ~46K
E: Field Interviews ~26K
F: Reviewers of OTA's Draft ~9K
G: References ~80K
Index ~65K