Enhancing Agriculture in Africa: A Role for U.S. Development Assistance
NTIS order #PB89-137087
Full Report ~8920K

Front Matter ~55K
Table of Contents ~14K
1: Summary and Options ~494K
2: Prologue ~60K
Part I: Low-Resource Agriculture and Development Assistance
3: The Status of Low-Resource Agriculture ~676K
4: A Resource-Enhancing Approach to African Agriculture ~270K
5: The Role of Technology in Enhancing Low-Resource Agriculture ~705K
6: The Role of Foreign Assistance in a Resource-Enhancing Approach ~757K
Part II: Promising Technologies
7: Improved Use of Soil and Water Resources ~1375K
8: Improved Cropping Practices ~1219K
9: Crop and Livestock Genetic Improvement ~1060K
10: Improved Use of Animals ~695K
11: Improved Systems to Reduce Losses ~1403K
12: Epilogue ~102K
A: The Assessment's Contractor Reports ~42K
B: Participants in Assessment Workshops ~11K
C: African Correspondents ~12K
D: External Reviewers ~18K
E: The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Database on Low-Resource Agriculture ~46K
Index ~149K