Book Preservation Technologies
NTIS order #PB88-212410
Full Report ~1889K

Front Matter ~46K
Table of Contents ~130K
Introduction ~118K
Part I: The Library of Congress' Mass Deacidification Program
1: Overview ~210K
2: The DEZ Process and Its Development ~208K
3: Effectiveness of the DEZ Process ~198K
4: Costs ~197K
5: Safety ~403K
6: Health and Environmental Effects ~109K
Part II: Comparison of Alternatives for Book Preservation and Deacidification
7: Alternatives ~293K
A: Definition of Terms ~25K
B: Library of Congress' Operating Cost Estimates for Full-Scale Mass Deacidification Facility November 1987 ~29K
C: Library of Congress' Capital Cost Estimates for Full-Scale Mass Deacidification Facility November 1987 ~30K
D: Suggestion for Standard Paper Testing for Deacidification Quality Control by National Bureau of Standards ~13K
E: List of Papers and Presentations on the DEZ Process by the Staff of the Library of Congress From 1974-86 ~54K