Marine Minerals: Exploring Our New Ocean Frontier
NTIS order #PB87-217725
Full Report ~11428K
Front Matter ~42K
Table of Contents ~5K
1: Summary, Issues, and Options ~1309K
2: Resource Assessments and Expectations ~1874K
3: Minerals Supply, Demand, and Future Trends ~826K
4: Technologies for Exploring the Exclusive Economic Zone ~1099K
5: Mining and At-Sea Processing Technologies ~1015K
6: Environmental Considerations ~3320K
7: Federal Programs for Collecting and Managing Oceanographic Data ~738K
A: State Management of Seabed Minerals ~95K
B: The Exclusive Economic Zone and U.S. Insular Territories ~177K
C: Mineral Laws of the United States ~55K
D: Ocean Mining Laws of Other Countries ~879K
E: Tables of Contents for OTA Contractor Reports ~21K
F: OTA Workshop Participants and Other Contributors ~37K
G: Acronyms and Abbreviations ~16K
H: Conversion Table and Glossary ~41K
Index ~208K