Integrated Renewable Resource Management for U.S. Insular Areas
NTIS order #PB87-205829
Full Report ~11220K
Front Matter ~40K
Table of Contents ~6K
1: Executive Summary ~647K
2: Introduction ~142K
3: Island Structure and Resource Systems ~1300K
4: Island Renewable Resource History and Trends ~1474K
5: Islands as Integrated Systems ~362K
6: Management of Terrestrial Resources: Agriculture, Agroforestry, and Forestry ~2057K
7: Management of Aquatic Resources: Nearshore Fisheries and Aquaculture ~872K
8: Technologies Supporting Agricultural, Aquacultural, and Fisheries Development ~772K
9: Resource Development Planning for U.S.-Affiliated Islands ~468K
10: Issues and Options for the U.S. Congress ~111K
A: Maps of the U.S.-Affiliated Islands ~996K
B: Other U.S. Island Possessions in the Tropical Pacific ~550K
C: U.S. Military Presence in U.S.-AffiIiated Islands ~27K
D: Integration of Traditional and Modern Law ~21K
E: Organizations Dealing With Renewable Resource Management in the U.S.-Affiliated Caribbean and Pacific Islands ~1267K
F: Summary of Regional Workshops ~137K
G: Commissioned Papers ~43K
Index ~172K