Defending Secrets, Sharing Data: New Locks and Keys for Electronic Information
NTIS order #PB88-143185
Full Report ~3937K
Front Matter ~34K
Table of Contents ~8K
1: Executive Summary ~47K
2: Introduction ~209K
3: The Vulnerabilities of Electronic Information Systems ~1682K
4: Security Safeguards and Practices ~821K
5: Improving Information Security ~381K
6: Major Trends in Policy Development ~272K
7: Federal Policy Issues and Options ~106K
A: Requesting Letters ~104K
B: National Policy on Protection of Sensitive, but Unclassified Information in Federal Government Telecommunications and ... ~73K
C: The Data Encryption Standard ~127K
D: Message Authentication, Public-Key Ciphers, and Digital Signatures ~161K
E: Acronyms ~11K
F: Contributors and Reviewers ~78K