Aid to Developing Countries: The Technology/Ecology Fit
NTIS order #PB92-115963
Full Report ~430K
Front Matter ~19K
Table of Contents ~5K
1: Conclusions ~19K
2: Introduction ~63K
3: Why Ecologically Inappropriate Technologies May be Selected ~18K
4: Conditions Internal to Development Assistant Organizations... ~49K
5: How to Change--Piecemeal Approaches ~33K
6: How to Change--Holistic Approaches ~76K
A: House Committee on Science and Technology Request Letter ~75K
B: EESI Recommendations for Improved Resource and... ~17K
C: World Bank President's Address to the World Resources Institute ~24K
D: Necessary Conditions for Successful Technology Transfer ~13K
E: Summary of AID's Environmental Procedures ~14K
F: Selected Procedures for Incorporating Environmental Considerations in Development Assistance ~29K
G: Workshop Participants and Persons Interviewed ~27K