Western Surface Mine Permitting and Reclamation
NTIS order #PB87-100350
Full Report ~13403K

Front Matter ~50K
Table of Contents ~4K
1: Introduction, Findings, and Options ~121K
2: Technical Summary ~300K
3: Western Surface Mining and Reclamation ~3747K
4: Western Surface Mine Regulation ~1143K
5: Baseline and Monitoring Data ~968K
6: Analytical Techniques ~2476K
7: Standards and Methods for Evaluating the Success of Reclamation ~754K
8: Technical Issues in Western Surface Mine Permitting and Reclamation ~2314K
9: Technological Innovation and Research ~1486K
A: Key to Case Study Mines ~16K
B: List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ~11K
C: Glossary ~37K
Index ~153K