Technologies for Detecting Heritable Mutations in Human Beings
NTIS order #PB87-140158
Full Report ~1773K

Front Matter ~39K
Table of Contents ~48K
1: Summary and Options ~109K
2: Genetic Inheritance and Mutations ~186K
3: Kinds and Rates of Human Heritable Mutations ~175K
4: New Technologies for Detecting Heritable Mutations ~364K
5: New Methods for Measuring Somatic Mutations ~47K
6: Laboratory Determination of Heritable Mutation Rates ~97K
7: Extrapolation ~206K
8: Mutation Epidemiology ~46K
9: Mutagens: Regulatory Considerations ~40K
A: Federal Spending for Mutation Research ~27K
B: Acknowledgments and Health Program Advisory Committee ~13K
References ~412K
Index ~86K