Intellectual Property Rights in an Age of Electronics and Information
NTIS order #PB87-100301
Full Report ~5022K
Front Matter ~87K
Table of Contents ~7K
Summary ~319K
1: Conceptual Framework for Analyzing Intellectual Property Rights Issues ~131K
2: Intellectual Property Goals in a Changing Information Environment ~859K
3: The Accommodation of Intellectual Property Law to Technological Change ~660K
4: Impact of Technology on Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights ~302K
5: Impact of Technology on the Creative Environment ~863K
6: Technology, Intellectual Property, and the Operation of Information Markets ~399K
7: New Technologies and the Intellectual Property Bargain ~377K
8: Impact of New Technologies on the International Intellectual Property System ~790K
9: Federal Role in the Administration of Intellectual Property Rights ~252K
10: Strategic Choices for Congress ~66K
Appendix A: List of Contractor Reports ~108K