Children's Mental Health: Problems and Services
NTIS order #PB87-207486
Full Report ~2064K

Front Matter ~29K
Table of Contents ~15K
1: Summary and Policy Implications ~161K
Part I: Earlier Evaluations and the Current Situation
2: Earlier Evaluations and the Current Situation ~236K
Part II: Problems
3: DSMDIII Mental Disorders in Children ~103K
4: Environmental Risk Factors and Children's Mental Health Problems ~140K
Part Ill: Services
5: Therapies ~79K
6: Treatment Settings ~95K
7: Treatment in Non-Mental-Health Systems, Prevention, and the Integration of Mental Health and Other Services ~90K
Part IV: Effectiveness of Services
8: Effectiveness of Therapies ~88K
9: Effectiveness of Treatment and Prevention in Mental Health and Other Settings, and Evaluating the Integration of Mental... ~88K
Part V: Current Federal Efforts
10: Current Federal Efforts ~217K
A: Workshop Participants and Other Acknowledgments ~19K
B: List of Acronyms and Glossary of Terms ~19K
References ~784K