U.S. Natural Gas Availability: Gas Supply Through the Year 2000
NTIS order #PB84-114909
Full Report ~7119K

Front Matter ~30K
Table of Contents ~12K
1: Introduction and Overview ~740K
Part I: Conventional Gas Supplies
2: Summary: Availability of Conventional Gas Supplies ~431K
3: Natural Gas Basics ~173K
4: The Natural Gas Resource Base ~2238K
5: Gas Production Potential ~918K
6: Gas Imports -An Overview ~119K
7: Introduction and Summary: Availability of Unconventional Gas Supplies ~192K
8: Tight Gas ~722K
9: Gas From Devonian Shales ~370K
10: Coalbed Methane ~890K
A: Calculation of Additional Reserves From Increased Gas Recovery in Old Gasfields ~32K
B: Fracturing Technologies ~190K
C: Double Counting ~105K
D: Glossary ~13K
Index ~121K