Medicare's Prospective Payment System: Strategies for Evaluating Cost, Quality, and Medical Technology
NTIS order #PB86-184926
Full Report
Front Matter
Table of Contents
1: Introduction and Summary
Part One: A Framework for Evaluation
2: Predicted Effects of Medicare's Prospective Payment System
3: Preliminary Evidence of the Impacts of PPS
4: Issues in Designing an Evaluation of PPS
Part Two: Critical PPS Impact Areas
5: Expenditures and Costs
6: Quality of Care
7: Access to Health Care
8: Technological Change
9: Clinical Research
Part Three: Evaluation Strategies
10: Current PPS Evaluation Activities
11: Strategies for Evaluating PPS Impacts
A: Method of the Study
B: Acknowledgments and Health Program Advisory Committee
C: Major Population-Based Health Care Surveys
D: Major Databases Covering the Availability of Health Care Services
E: Medicare Part A Data Systems
F: Sources of Data on Aggregate Measures of Technological Change
G: Alternative Patient Classification Systems