Technologies for Understanding and Preventing Substance Abuse and Addiction
GPO stock #052-003-01388-6
NTIS order #PB95-109625
Full Report ~3999K
Front Matter ~117K
Table of Contents ~98K
1: Executive Summary ~608K
2: Introduction ~400K
Part I: Necessary Preconditions ~87K
3: Biology and Pharmacology ~285K
4: Availability ~370K
5: Substance Use and Transitions to Abuse and Addiction ~240K
Part II: Individual Factors ~86K
6: Individual Risk and Protective Factors ~466K
Part III: Activity Settings ~86K
7: Ethnographic Drug Studies ~311K
8: Community Activity Settings ~579K
9: Policy Options ~155K
A: Drug Control Policy in the United States: Historical Perspectives ~125K
B: Federal Programs: Prevention and Causation ~145K
C: Perspectives on Defining Substance Abuse ~126K
D: List of Contracts ~92K
E: List of Workshops and Participants ~107K
F: Acknowledgments ~96K
G: References ~981K
Index ~294K