Hip Fracture Outcomes in People Age 50 and Over
NTIS order #PB94-107653
Full Report ~1720K
Front Matter ~53K
Table of Contents ~87K
Introduction ~69K
Principal Findings ~48K
Sources of Data on Hip Fracture Outcomes ~63K
In-Hospital Treatment and Expenditures ~203K
In-Hospital Mortality ~61K
Long-Term Mortality ~116K
Post-Hospital and Other Outpatient Service Use and Expenditures ~424K
Long-Term Functional Impairment Following a Hip Fracture ~50K
Comparison of OTA's Estimates with Other Estimates of Hip Fracture Outcomes ~54K
Conclusion ~30K
A: Acknowledgments ~39K
B: Mortality Following a Hip Fracture ~526K
References ~284K
Index ~55K