Civilian Satellite Remote Sensing: A Strategic Approach
GPO stock #052-003-01395-9
NTIS order #PB95-109633
Full Report ~4658K
Front Matter ~112K
Table of Contents ~93K
Executive Summary ~107K
1: Findings and Policy Options ~902K
2: National Remote Sensing Needs and Capabilities ~793K
3: Planning for Future Remote Sensing Systems ~1572K
4: International Cooperation and Competition ~1105K
A: NASA's Mission to Planet Earth ~116K
B: Survey of National and International Programs ~341K
C: Convergence of U.S. POES Systems ~86K
D: A Brief Policy History of Landsat ~121K
E: Landsat Remote Sensing Strategy ~88K
F: Clinton Administration Policy on Remote Sensing Licensing and Exports ~89K
G: Abbreviations ~99K
Index ~151K