Access to Over-the-Road Buses for Persons With Disabilities
GPO stock #052-003-01320-7
NTIS order #PB93-192912
Full Report ~3106K
Front Matter ~83K
Table of Contents ~80K
Executive Summary ~76K
1: Summary and Conclusions ~773K
2: Over-the-Road Bus Industry and Accessible Service ~965K
3: Demand for Accessible Over-the-Road Bus Service ~566K
4: Accessibility Technologies for Over-the-Road Bus Service ~532K
A: Reasonable Cost Estimates for Implementing Accessible Over-the-Road Bus Service ~232K
B: Federal and State Oversight of Over-the-Road Bus Service ~140K
C: List of Boxes,Figures, and Tables ~50K
D: List of Acronyms ~47K
E: Contractor Reports Prepared for This Assessment ~44K
F: Workshop Participants and Reviewers and Contributors ~59K
Index ~77K