U.S. Dairy Industry at a Crossroad: Biotechnology and Policy Choices
NTIS order #PB91-198085
Full Report ~2281K
Front Matter ~25K
Table of Contents ~3K
1: Summary ~136K
2: Overview of the Dairy Industry ~542K
3: An Emerging Technology: bovine Somatotropin ~532K
4: Emerging Technologies in the Dairy Industry ~353K
5: Economic and Policy Impacts of Emerging Technologies on the U.S. Dairy Industry ~208K
A: A National and Regional Analysis of the Adoption of bovine Somatotropin ~126K
B: Detailed National and Regional Impacts of bovine Somatotropin and Other Emerging Technologies Under Alternative Dairy Policies ~298K
C: Detailed Farm Level Impacts of bovine Somatotropin and Other Emerging Technologies Under Alternative Policy and Demand Scenarios ~95K
D: Workshop Participants and Reviewers ~69K