The 1992 World Administrative Radio Conference: Issues for U.S. International Spectrum Policy
NTIS order #PB92-157601
Full Report ~2291K
Front Matter ~39K
Table of Contents ~17K
1: Introduction and Summary ~700K
2: Radiocommunication Technologies and Services: Problem and Solution ~486K
3: The International Context for Spectrum Policy ~446K
4: Domestic Preparations Process for WARC-92 ~329K
5: Implications of WARC-92 for U.S. Radiocommunication Policymaking ~158K
A: Acronyms and Glossary of Terms ~30K
B: Agenda for the 1992 World Administrative Radio Conference ~17K
C: Applications for New Services ~97K
D: U.S. Proposals for WARC Malaga; Torremolinos, Spain, 1992 ~38K
Index ~48K