Crossing The Ditch tells the story of two young Australian kayakers, who battle ten meter towering waves, massive storms, shark-filled seas, and strong currents to conquer the Tasman Sea - 2200 kms of some of the world's deadliest and most treacherous waters.
55 minutes. Voted Best Film on Exploration and Adventure. View film clip.
(Photocredit: Rob Tucker)
Through 45 years of stunning original footage, The Last Paradise relives the ground-breaking journey of a maverick bunch of kids who became legendary extreme sports pioneers in the remote wilderness of New Zealand.
26 minutes.View film trailer.
(Photocredit: From the film Last Paradise)
The Kamchatka Peninsula in the Russian Far East may as well be the end of the earth. Its wild landscape is swarming with bugs and bears and threaded with rivers full of massive mouse-eating trout. In the film Eastern Rises, fishing is poetry, Bigfoot lurks in the fog, and fishermen risk life and limb in decommissioned Cold War helicopters to explore rivers that have never been fished before. 38 minutes. Voted Best Film on Mountain Sports. View trailer. (Photocredit: From Eastern Rises)
A highly entertaining time-lapse of a one-year-walk from Beijing to Urumqi. Time and distance travelled are charmingly demonstrated by the growth of a beard in this five-minute short.
5 minutes. Voted Best Short Mountain Film. View film clip.
From the film The Longest Way)
Through the beautifully crafted film Khumbu Climbing School, we learn how one school has contributed to the safety of Nepali climbers, Sherpas, and high-altitude support workers as they learn proper techniques for knot-tying, belaying, and ice climbing from world-class mountaineers.
8 minutes.View film clip.
(Photocredit: From the film Khumbu Climbing School)
A coming-of-age mountain bike parody, Kranked-Kids: Just Down the Road is an immersion in sweet comic relief over the span four minutes.
View film clip.
(Photocredit: From the film Coming Soon - Kranked Kids)