Outdoor Action Program Files Page
This document describes the files available for downloading from
the Outdoor Action Program at Princeton University. All files are by Rick Curtis,
Director, Outdoor Action Program. This material may be freely distributed for
nonprofit educational use. However, if included in publications, written or
electronic, attributions must be made to the author. Commercial use of this
material is prohibited without express written permission from the author. Copyright
© 2001 Rick Curtis, Outdoor Action Program, Princeton University. Additional
files are available at OutdoorEd.com (http://www.outdoored.com/articles/default.asp)
Note: All zipped files are compressed in ZIP format.
Instructions for file downloading: Please select Load to Disk and click
- OUTDRPRG.MDB a Microsoft Access 2.0 database for a university outdoor program.
This is the latest version of the OA sample database. (Access is currently only
available in an MS-Windows Version.)
- This HTML version explains the details of
OUTDRPROG.MDB and also allows downloading of the most recent versions of the individual
database files.
- A file describing the OUTDRPRG Microsoft Access database - the RTF version OUTDRPRG.RTF (18K)
- OUTDRPRG.ZIP (235K) to download the zipped copy of
all the OUTDRPRG database files.
- WILDORNT.MDB is a Microsoft Access 1.1 database for a Wilderness Orientation
- WEB.ZIP (37K) a Microsoft Access 2.0 database for that
demonstrates how to generate HTML documents from Access Reports. This new version shows
how to format HTML 3.0 tables from Access.
- A general article on databases, flat file versus relational - in RTF format DATABASE.RTF (18K)
Files are created in Excel 4.0 for Windows. Instructions for file downloading: Please
select Load to Disk and click
- SPREADSH.RTF (243K) to download an RTF file showing
different uses for spreadsheets including descriptions of the spreadsheet samples above
- SPREADSH.ZIP (77K) to download the zipped copy of
the spreadsheet files shown below.
- BAGSPACK.XLS - Cost comparison of buying different equipment in bulk.
- EQRENTAL.XLS - Equipment available and rented for a wilderness orientation program.
- FOODLIST.XLS - Food ordering spreadsheet for wilderness orientation program.
- FT93EXP.XLS - Expenses for a frosh wilderness orientation program.
- PROGSUM1. XLS - A spreadsheet showing the program activity summary including graphs.
- RENTLIFE.XLS - A spreadsheet calculating various rental fees for equipment based on the
days of use expected from the equipment.
- ROUTE.XLS - A sample spreadsheet for trip logistics showing hiking route, campsites,
water, mileage, bus drop off and pick up.
- DPTRTRN.XLS - A depart and return plan. This spreadsheet uses the information from bus
departure and return sections of ROUTE.XLS. The cells are paste-linked so that any changes
in ROUTE.XLS are updated in DPTRTRN.XLS when it is opened.