EE 470: Spring '00

Configurable Computing: An Overview

Lecture notes #1

Course Structure and Administrivia

The course meets twice a week. Some lectures will be given by me, and others will be given by students in the class. Discussion questions and reading assignments will be placed on the web before the lecture they pertain to. Please read the assigned papers and be ready to discuss the issues raised in the discussion questions. Since the physical act of writing down your own notes is an important part of learning, I won't be distributing lecture notes beforehand.  Rather, I'll put my own sketches of notes out on the web after lecture. No promises of completeness--you should take your own notes in order to be sure you're getting everything.

Lecture Notes

What is Configurable computing? Why Configurable Computing? Promising Configurable Computing Application Areas: Overall approach: Application Challenges: Common Configurable Architecture Today: Common Configurable Architecture Tomorrow: Other possibilities: Technology Trends Driving Configurable Computing: Hardware Software Spectrum What makes an application well-suited for a configurable implementation?

Contrast Dynamic (or data-specific) Compilation (a la Java) with Configurable Computing


FPGA Capacities and Speeds

How do FPGAs work?

Programming/Configuring FPGAs

Some more points on programming/configuring: What does a CLB look like? Hardware Challenges in using FPGAs for Configurable Computing Other Challenges