Markus K. Brunnermeier


 Synchronization Risk and Delayed Arbitrage
Co-author: Dilip Abreu (Princeton University)
Reference: Journal of Financial Economics, 2002, 66, 341-360.
Abstract: We argue that arbitrage is limited if rational traders face uncertainty about when their peers will exploit a common arbitrage opportunity. This synchronization risk - which is distinct from noise trader risk and fundamental risk - arises in our model because arbitrageurs become sequentially aware of the mispricing and they incur holding costs. We show that rational arbitrageurs ``time the market'' rather than correct the mispricing right away, which leads to delayed arbitrage . The analysis suggests that behavioral influences on prices are resistant to arbitrage in the short and intermediate run.
Keywords: Limits to Arbitrage, Synchronization Risk, Market Timing, Efficient Market Hypothesis, Behavioral Finance.
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