Random Walk
In a random walk situation, individual 'steps' of a fixed length take place sequentially, but the direction of the next step is uncorrelated with that of the step just taken. The diagram illustrates this process for a sequence of 256 steps confined to a plane. The green circle is centered on the start location and has a radius equal to the step length. The red circle is centered on the end point of the sequence. The blue line joining the start and finish points has a length that depends upon the individual step size, a, and the total number of steps, n. For this case: 
L = a(n)0.5.
From: Cotterill, "The Cambridge Guide to the Material World," Cambridge (1989)
Diffusion steps behave in this way implying that the interval between jumps is long compared to the time taken for the jumping atom to lose its excess energy to the other lattice atoms.  The random walk diagram is also a good description of a macromolecule composed of n units (mers) of length a that can make arbitrary angles with respect to each other. In this case the distance between the free ends of the molecule will also be L = a(n)0.5. The configuration of the molecule has an entropy associated with it, and as the molecule is straightened by stretching this configurational entropy decreases. The change in free energy associated with this process contributes to the elastic constant of the molecule.