Octahedral and Tetrahedral sites, fcc Crystal
The two diagrams show the coordination figures for Octahedral and Tetrahedral sites in an fcc crystal structure. The fcc crystal has four lattice points associated with the unit cell, and using the same fractional counting for the Octahedral sites (O) gives four such sites associated with the unit cell. For a basis of one atom, the atom to octahedral site ratio is 1 : 1, i.e. there are as many octahedral sites as atoms on fcc lattice points. The lower diagram illustrates one of the tetrahedral sites in the fcc structure. One such site (T) is associated with each corner atom of the unit cell for a total of 8 tetrahedral sites per cell. The site to lattice point ratio is therefore 2 : 1 for this case.
After: Chiang, Birnie III, and Kingery, "Physical Ceramics," Wiley (1997)