thermodynamic functions, the Gibbs function and the Helmholtz function,
are also known as Free Energy functions.
Helmholtz function is defined as: F = U
- TS, where U is the internal energy,
T the Kelvin temperature, and S the entropy of the system. F, U, and S
are extensive quantities. In an infinitesimal process, dF = dU - TdS -
SdT, and recognizing that dW
= TdS - dU, this yields an expression for the path dependent reversible
work in terms of the Helmholtz function: dW
= - dF - SdT.
Also, if the only work is pdV work the Helmholtz function may be written
as: dF = - SdT - pdV.
From this relationship:
-S, and
= - p.
Gibbs function is defined as: G = U - TS
+ pV = H - TS, H being the enthalpy of
the system. In a general infinitesimal process, dG = dU - TdS - SdT + pdV
+ Vdp. Using the expression for reversible work from the combined first
and second laws gives: dW
= -dG - SdT +pdV +Vdp.
If the process occurs at constant pressure and temperature this reduces
to: dW
= -dG +pdV.
The work term includes both pdV work and any other work done on the system
in the process. The Gibbs function change: dG
= (dW
- pdV),
is therefore a measure of the reversible non-pdV work done on the system
in the process. Also, since dG = -SdT + Vdp; (dG/dT)p
= -S, and
= V |