Corrosion & Environmental Degradation
Table of Contents
· Galvanic corrosion cells can also be active in multi-phase alloys that have regions with different electrode potentials.
·The photograph shows the microstructure of an eutectic aluminum-silicon alloy, the light regions being almost pure aluminum and the dark regions almost pure silicon. The size of the cell structure depends on the cooling rate at which this casting-alloy was solidified.
· The electrochemical potential of the two regions is different, with the aluminum- silicon alloy acting as the anode and the silicon-aluminum alloy as the cathode. The microstructure is sub-millimetric and micro- galvanic cells are set up in a suitable ambient.
· Similar behavior is exhibited in iron- carbon alloys with micro-galvanic cells acting between the ferritic and iron-carbide regions of the alloy.
From: Van Vlack, 
"Elements of Materials Science and Engineering," Addison Wesley (1985)