· Solving these two equations
for WA and WB gives the Lever Rule: WB
= (CA - C0 )/(CA - CB) and WA
= (C0 - CB) /(CA - CB) · For Cu-Ni alloy at 1250 C and
a mean composition of Cu-35 wt % Ni the binary phase diagram shows that:
= 43 wt% Ni, CL = 30 wt% Ni, and C0 = 35 wt%Ni · Substituting these values into the lever rule gives the
weight percent of the two phases present at 1250 C:
WS = 38 %, WL = 62 % · Changing
the temperature of the alloy will change the composition
of both the solid and the liquid. These compositions are read from the intersection
between the isotherm and the liquidus
and solidus
lines. The weight fraction of
the solid will go between zero and one as the temperature falls from the liquidus
to the solidus with the mean composition unchanged.