Real Materials
· Surfaces have an energy per unit area, γ , associated with them. The work required to increase the surface area by dA is: dw = γ dA 

· The surface or interfacial energy (tension) may be written in terms of the Gibbs function, G, of the system.

· For an infinitesimal process, the change in the Gibbs function is given by:

dG = - SdT + Vdp + γ dA + Σi μidni
with: T= temperature, p = pressure, A = surface area, µi = chemical potential of species ni
· For a system under conditions of constant pressure, temperature, and composition:      γ = (dG/ dA) p,T,n

· For Silver at 750 C the surface energy is 1.14 Joules m-2, for copper at 1080 C the surface energy is 1.43 Joules m-2, Al2 O3 at 1850 C has a surface energy of 0. 91 Joules m-2, and for TiC at 1100 C γis 1.19 Joules m-2.