Solids: Thermodynamics and Bonding

Table of Contents




· The total potential for the NaCl ion pair, with the zero of potential based on the two neutral atoms at infinity, is shown in the diagram.
· For this case, n = 1 and m = 10, also A = 1.436 and B = 7.32 x 10- 6 when the energies are measured in eV and distances in nm. DE = 1.4 eV.
· The equilibrium separation of the ions 0.12 nm
· A feature of the ionic potential is the long range of the electrostatic term. In a condensed phase an ion will interact with many other ions, not just its nearest neighbors.

From: Moffatt, Pearsall, and Wulff,
"The Structure and Properties of Materials,"
Wiley (1967)