Table of Contents

Materials and Structure




The diagrams show the atomic configuration associated with the various precipitation stages in the Al-4 wt % Cu system. As the diffusion processes at the heat treatment temperature proceed the previous precipitate tends to dissolve and its atoms migrate to the lower energy precipitate that is next formed. The GP zones have dimensions of 1 nm x 10 nm and are copper disc precipitates that are coherent with the aluminum matrix. The q"-zones are 10 nm x 100 nm and copper and aluminum form a regular lattice structure. All of the faces of the zone are coherent with the aluminum matrix. The q'-zones have grown to 1 m diameter and only their large area disc faces are coherent with the aluminum matrix. The structure is also that of a substitutional alloy of Cu and Al. The final q-zones (CuAl2) are completely incoherent with the matrix and the precipitates tend to favor a spherical shape to minimize their surface energy. This phase is an Intermetallic compound.

From: Ashby and Jones,
"Engineering Materials 2,"
Pergamon (1986)