Nobuhiro Kiyotaki


Harold H. Helm '20 Professor of Economics and Banking, Princeton University, since 2012.

Professor, Department of Economics, Princeton University, since 2006.


Contact Information


Department of Economics Princeton University Princeton, NJ 08544, USA.

189 Julis Romo Rabinowitz Building

Tel +1-609-258-4031



Administrative assistant: Ms. Jennifer Bello, Tel: 1-609-258-8049, Email:





Working Papers and Completed Manuscripts


"Funding Horizons, Interest Rates, and Growth" with John Moore and Shengxing Zhang, revised in (2024).

"Intangibles, Inequality and Stagnation," with Shengxing Zhang, revised in (2024).

"Monetary and Financial Policies in Emerging Markets," with Kosuke Aoki and Gianluca Benigno, revised in (2021).

"Product Dynamics and Aggregate Shocks: Evidence from Japanese Product and Firm Level Data," with Robert Dekle, Atsushi Kawakami and Tsutomu Miyagawa, re- vised in (2022).

"Dynamics of Firms and Trade in General Equilibrium" with Robert Dekle and Hyeok Jeong, revised in (2014).

"Inside Money and Liquidity," with John Moore, LSE, revised in (2018).

"Credit Chains," with John Moore, LSE, revised in (1997).


Recent Publications and Some Old and Difficult to Get Publications


"Housing, Distribution and Welfare" with Alexander Michaelides and Kalin Nikolov, in Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, (2024) 56(5), 981-1020.

"Credit Booms, Financial Crises and Macroprudential Policy," with Mark Gertler and Andrea Prestipino, in Review of Economic Dynamics (2020) 37, S8-S33.

"A Macroeconomic Model with Financial Panics," with Mark Gertler and Andrea Prestipino in Review of Economic Studies (2020) 87, 240-288.

"Liquidity, Business Cycles, and Monetary Policy," with John Moore in Journal of Political Economy (2019), 127(6), 2926-2965.

"The Great Escape?" with Marco Del Negro, Gauti Eggertsson and Andrea Ferrero, in American Economic Review (2017), 107(3), 824-857.

"Wholesale Banking and Bank Runs in Macroeconomic Modelling of Financial Crises," with Mark Gertler and Andrea Prestipino, in Handbook of Macroeconomics Volume 2B, edited by John Taylor and Harald Uhlig, Amsterdam: Elsevier (2016), 1345-1425, .

"Banking, Liquidity and Bank Runs in an Infinite Horizon Economy" with Mark Gertler, American Economic Review (2015), 105(7), 2011-2043.

"Financial Intermediation and Credit Policy in Business Cycle Analysis," with Mark Gertler, in Handbook of Monetary Economics, Volume 3A, edited by Benjamin Friedman and Michael Woodford, Amsterdam: Elsevier (2011), 547-599.

"Capital Flows and Asset Prices," with Kosuke Aoki and Gianluca Benigno, in NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics, edited by R. Clarida and F. Giavazzi, Chicago: Chicago University Press  (2008).

"Liquidity and Asset Prices," with John Moore, in International Economic Review, 46 (2005), 317-349.

"Financial Deepening," with John Moore, in Journal of European Economic Associ- ation: Papers and Proceedings, 3 (April-May 2005), 701-713.

"Balance-Sheet Contagion," with John Moore, in American Economic Association: Papers and Proceedings, 85 (2002), 46-50.

"Evil is the Root of All Money," with John Moore, in American Economic Associa- tion: Papers and Proceedings, 85 (2002), 62-66.

"Credit and Business Cycles," Japanese Economic Review, 49 (1998), 19-36. Japanese Translation reprinted in Survey on Modern Economics 1998, edited by M. Otsuki et al., Tokyo: Toyokeizai Shimposha (1998), 29-51.

"A Mechanism Design Approach to Financial Frictions," in Global Macro Economy and Finance, edited by F. Allen, M. Aoki, J-P. Fitoussi, N. Kiyotaki, R. Gordon and J. Stiglitz, Palgrave Macmillan (2012), 177-187. The Japanese translation reprinted in Frontiers of Comparative Institutional Analysis, edited by M. Aoki, M. Kandori and T. Okazaki, NTT Publishing Company (2016).

"A Cost of Unified Currency," with John Moore, in Central Banking, Monetary Theory and Practice: Essays in Honour of Charles Goodhart, edited by P. Mizen, Chel- tenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Company (2003), 247- 255.