and Announcements:
Annual Meeting of the
American Academy of Religion
The Steering Committee of the Afro-American Religious History Group of the AAR
has announced the following program for the annual meeting to be held in Denver,
November 23-26, 2002.
Saturday, 1:00 pm-3:30 pm
Theme: The Politics of Identity in Black Protestantism
Debra Mubashshir, Beloit College, Presiding
Julius Bailey, University of Redlands
Benjamin T. Tanner and the Creation of the AME Church Newspaper The Child's Recorder, 1868-1884Shalanda Denise Dexter, Princeton University
Black Pentecostalism and Urban IdentityAnthea Butler, Princeton University
Making the Unrespectable Respectable: Black Pentecostal Women and IdentityResponding:
Marcus Bruce, Bates College
Sunday, 9:00 am-11:30 am
Theme: Migration and Interreligious Faith Communities of African Descent in
Canada: Historical and Contemporary Voices
Co-Sponsored with the Black Theology Group
David Daniels, McCormick Theological Seminary, Presiding
Carol B. Duncan, Wilfrid Laurier University
Michael Wilkinson, Nazarene University College
C. Denise Gillard, Toronto, ON
Sunday, 4:00 pm-6:30 pm
Theme: Race Politics during the Late Twentieth-Century
Presider, TBA
Juan Floyd-Thomas, Texas Christian University
"The Substance of Things Hoped For": Rev. Leon Sullivan, the Great Society, and the Creation of the Opportunities Industrialization Center Movement, 1964-74Michelle Johnson, Claremont Graduate University
A Decade of Rage: Race, Religion, and Sexuality in Black America, 1990-2000Isaac Kawuki-Mukasa, University of Toronto
"That All May Be One": A Critical Review of the United Church of Canada's Policy Against RacismResponding:
Jualynne E. Dodson, University of Colorado, BoulderBusiness Meeting:
David Daniels, McCormick Theological Seminary, Presiding
Other Sessions of Interest:
Monday, 9:00 am-11:30 am
Black Theology Group
Theme: Sociological/Theological Implications of Du Boisian Thought: Toward
Theological Analyses of the Black Condition and Religious Identity
Anthony B. Pinn, Macalester College, Presiding
James Anthony Noel, San Francisco Theological Seminary
The Souls of Black Folks: W. E. B. Du Bois and the African American Folk TraditionJames W. Perkinson, Ecumenical Theological Seminary
Du Boisian Doubleness vs. Binary Blackness: On the Need to Read the Two as Too Few in Black Struggles for LiberationRalph C. Watkins, Augusta State University
Soul-to-Soul: From W. E. B. Du Bois to C. Eric Lincoln: Moving toward a Sociology of the Black Condition and Religious Identity in the Twenty-first CenturyJames H. Evans, Colgate Rochester Divinity School
W. E. B. DuBois and the Paradigm of Black Christian ScholarshipBusiness Meeting:
Anthony B. Pinn, Macalester College, Presiding
Monday, 4:00 pm-6:30 pm
Religion and the Social Sciences Section and Black Theology Group
Theme: Black Casualties of Capitalism: Black Liberation Responses to Economics
of War, Prisons, and Violence
Alton B. Pollard, Emory University, Presiding
Garen Murray, Graduate Theological Union
Don't Bring Me No Bad News: African American Women, Prisons, and Welfare
Robert Beckford, University of Birmingham
Sects, Lies, and Videotape: Black Theology Project in a British Prison
Tina Houston, Fuller Graduate School of Psychology
Moving towards a Liberation Psychology: Young African American Males and
Exposure to Violence
Juan Floyd-Thomas, Texas Christian University
The Department
of Religious Studies at Kenyon College invites applications for a
tenure-track appointment at the rank of assistant professor, beginning August
2003, in African American Religions, with the ability to teach Religions in
America, emphasizing the diversity and pluralism of American religious experience.
Candidates must also be able to teach our one-semester general introductory
course and a course on theory and methodology in the Study of Religion. A Ph.D.
in Religious Studies is required at the time of appointment. Send a letter of
application with CV, dossier, and three letters of reference to: Prof. Royal
Rhodes, Search Committee Chair, Department of Religious Studies, Kenyon College,
Gambier, Ohio 43022. Review of applications will begin November, 1, 2002. Applications
received through December 1, 2002, will be given full consideration. Preliminary
interviews will be conducted at the AAR meeting in Toronto.
Kenyon, a highly selective liberal arts college of approximately 1500 students located in the beautiful village of Gambier, Ohio, offers competitive salaries and has an excellent benefits package, including spouse and domestic partner benefits. An EOE, Kenyon is committed to building a culturally diverse faculty and encourages the applications of women and minority candidates.
Harvard University, Department of Afro-American Studies and the Committee on the Study of Religion, seek to make an appointment of Assistant Professor in the field of African American religion. Initial three-year appointment, renewable, to begin fall 2003. Candidates should expect to teach in both departments. Submit letter of interest and curriculum vitae to Prof. Robert Orsi, Study of Religion, 12 Quincy St., Cambridge, MA 02138. Review of applications will begin November 1, 2002. Candidates should have completed their doctoral degree, or be certain of doing so, by September 2003. Harvard University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.
and Grants:
Harvard Divinity School announces five full-time positions for Research Associate and Visiting Lecturer in Women's Studies in Religion for 2003-2004. Full-time residence during the '03-'04 academic year while conducting individual research projects and teaching a related one-semester course in the appropriate Divinity School department: Hebrew Bible, New Testament, History of Christianity, History of Religion, Theology, Ethics, Religion and Society, or World Religions. Open to candidates with doctorates in religion, to those with primary competence in other fields of the humanities and the social sciences who have serious interest in religion, and to leading religion professionals with equivalent achievements. Salary: $40,000 plus benefits. Completed applications must be received by November 15, 2002. For information and application, contact: Women's Studies in Religion Program, Harvard Divinity School, 45 Francis Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138.
and Forthcoming Books
John P. Bartkowski and Helen A. Regis, Religion, Race, and Poverty in the Post-Welfare Era (NYU, 2003)
Robert Dannin, Black Pilgrimage to Islam (Oxford, 2002)
Louis A. DeCaro, Jr., "Fire From the Midst of You": A Religious Life of John Brown (NYU, 2002)
Ennis Barrington Edmonds, Rastafari: From Outcasts to Culture Bearers (Oxford, 2002)
Eddie S. Glaude, Jr., Is it Nation Time? Contemporary Essays on Black Power and Black Nationalism (Chicago, 2001)
Stephen A. King, Reggae, Rastafari, and the Rhetoric of Social Control (Mississippi, 2002)
Joseph E. Troutman, ed., Journey Inward, Journey Outward, Special Issue of The Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center on the ITC/Faith Factor Project 2000 Study of Black Churches. Volume XXIX, Nos. 1 and 2 (Fall 2001/Spring 2002)
Vincent L. Wimbush, The Bible and African Americans: A Brief History (Fortress, 2002)
Richard L. Wood, Faith in Action: Religion, Race, and Democratic Organizing in America (Chicago, 2002)
Carol Elizabeth Arnold, "Oral Narratives of African American Women's Experience of Church, Culture, and Community in Brooklyn, New York," (Bowling Green State University, 2002)
Renee Deanne Ater, "Race, Gender, and Nation: Rethinking the Sculpture of Meta Warrick Fuller" (University of Maryland, College Park 2000)
Danielle Brune, "Sweet Daddy Grace: The Life and Times of a Modern Day Prophet" (University of Texas, Austin, 2002)
Janine Marie Denomme, "To End This Day of Strife": Churchwomen and the Campaign for Integration, 1920-1970" (University of Pennsylvania, 2001)
Shalanda Denise Dexter, "Sojourners in a Strange Land: The Impact of Northern Urbanization on Black Pentecostal Identity and Culture in Chicago from 1940 to 1980" (Princeton, 2001)
Mary L. Doyle, "Faith Positions: Re-reading Gender, Race, and Christianity in Nineteenth-century American Women's Writing (Jarena Lee, Rebecca Harding Davis, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Frances Harper) (University of New Hampshire, 2001)
Carol Bernadette Duncan, "'This spot of ground': Spiritual Baptists in Toronto" (York University, 2000)
Fikru N.Gebrekidan, "Bond without Blood: A Study of Ethiopian-Caribbean Ties, 1935-1991" (Michigan State, 2001)
Donna Denise Hunter, "Dead Men Talking: Africans and the Law in New England's Eighteenth-century Execution Sermons and Crime Narratives" (University of California, Berkeley, 2001)
Romauld Clifford Jones, "Utopia Park, Utopian Church: James K. Humphrey and the Emergence of the Sabbath-Day Adventists" (Western Michigan University, 2001)
Shawnrece Denine Miller, "Richard Wright and the Discourses of Race, Gender, and Religion" (Kent State, 2001)
Debra Washington Mubashshir, "A Fruitful Labor: African American Formulations of Islam, 1928-1942" (Northwestern, 2001)
Roberto Andres Nodal, "'Strangers in a New land': Palo Mayombe, and African-Cuban Religious Tradition in the Diaspora" (The University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 2001)
Rufus Gene William Sanders, "The Life of William Joseph Seymour: Black Father of the Twentieth-Century Penetecostal Movement" (Bowling Green State University, 2000)
Susan Marion Stanton, "Voice of the Fugitive": Henry Bibb and 'Racial Uplift' in Canada West, 1851-1852" (University of Victoria, 2001)
Mary Patricia Stricker, "A New Racial Ideology for the New Christian Right? The Meaning(s) of Racial Reconciliation Within the Promise Keepers Movement" (Temple, 2001)
Barbara Elizabeth Wallace, "'Fair Daughters of Africa': African American Women in Baltimore, 1790-1860" (UCLA, 2001)
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