News and Announcements
Cultural Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Forum on Folklore and Popular Culture announces its first volume available online. According to the editors, "Cultural Analysis is a new, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to investigating expressive and everyday culture. The journal features analytical research articles, but also includes notes, reviews, and responses."
The Journal of Haitian Studies is a scholarly publication produced twice a year under the auspices of the Haitian Studies Association and the UC Santa Barbara Center for Black Studies. I am not aware of any other refereed journal whose predominant focus is on Haiti, its institutions, its culture, and its people. The Journal is interdisciplinary to the core, combining the arts, sciences and humanities, and is published in English, Creole, French and Spanish. To obtain subscription information and a sample issue, at no cost, please contact the UC Santa Barbara Center for Black Studies by email:, by phone: 805-893-3914, fax, 805-893-7243 or by mail at the Center for Black Studies, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA 93106.
Conferences and Calls for Papers:
The 2nd Wilberforce International Conference on Slave Narratives, Wilberforce Ohio. 11-13 October 2001. Deadline: May 15, 2001 Papers on any aspect of the slave narrative (authors, works, genres, the slave family, theories, themes, history, pedagogy, slavery in contemporary Africa and the diaspora; slavery in the 21st century, etc) will be considered. For more information, visit the web site.
Middle States African Studies Association Second Conference, May 3-6, 2001
Black Plague: Health, Population & AIDS in the African Diaspora to be held on the campus of West Virginia State College Institute, West Virginia The Middle States African Studies Association is currently seeking papers and panel proposals for the second conference. Papers will be accepted from all disciplines. Deadline for 200 word abstract submission will be January 21, 2001. Contact information: Dr. Stuart McGehee Department of History 307 Hill Hall, Campus Box 162 West Virginia State College Institute, WV 25112 304-766-3240 Fax: 304-766-5186 Email: University of Alabama English Department invites you to join us for a symposium entitled "Writing Race Across the Atlantic World, 1492-1763 to be held on 27-29 Sep 2001. It is the twenty-fifth Alabama Symposium on English and American Literature and the first in a series of five to be devoted to the subject of literature, race, and ethnicity from a variety of cultural studies perspectives. Topics cover the whole range of oceanic culture, addressing the diverse ways in which categories of "race"-black, brown, red, and white, African-American and Afro-Caribbean, Spanish and Jewish, English and French, native American and northern European, Creole and Mestizo-were constructed by early modern anglophone writers. With lectures by scholars currently engaged in exciting work across a range of cultural studies disciplines, as well as the opening presentation by August Wilson, we hope to provide a program unique in its diversity and its energy.
S. Jonathan Bass, Blessed Are the Peacemakers: Martin Luther King Jr., Eight White Religious Leaders, and the “Letter from Birmingham Jail” (LSU, 2001).
Jonathan Earle, ed., The Routledge Atlas of African-American History (Routledge, 2000).
Edwin Scott Gaustad, Philip L. Barlow, Richard W. Dishno, eds., New Historical Atlas of Religion in America (Oxford, 2001).
Hemchand Gossai and Nathaniel Samuel Murrell, Religion, Culture and Tradition in the Caribbean (Palgrave, 2000).
Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham, The Harvard Guide to African-American History (Harvard, 2001).
Robert L. Kapizke, Religion, Power and Politics in Colonial St. Augustine (Florida, 2001).
Susan Mizruchi, ed., Religion and Cultural Studies (Princeton, 2001).
Joseph M. Murphy and Mei-Mei Sanford, eds., Ňsun across the Waters: A Yoruba Goddess in Africa and the Americas (Indiana, 2001).
Thomas Murphy, Jesuit Slaveholding in Maryland, 1717-1838 (Routledge, 2001).
Margarite Fernández Olmos and Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert, Healing Cultures: Art and Religion as Curative Practices in the Caribbean and its Diaspora (Palgrave, 2001).
Helen Chavis Othow, John Chavis: African American Patriot, Preacher, Teacher, and Mentor, 1763-1838 (McFarland, 2001).
J.D.Y. Peel, Religious Encounter and the Making of the Yoruba (Indiana, 200).
Jeffrey B. Perry, ed., A Hubert Harrison Reader (Wesleyan, 2001).
Larry Eugene Rivers and Canter Brown, Jr., Laborers in the Vineyard of the Lord: The Beginnings of the AME Church in Florida (Florida, 2001).
Horace O.Russell, The Missionary Outreach of the West Indian Church: Jamaican Baptist Missions to West Africa in the Nineteenth Century (Lang, 2000).
Gardiner H. Shattuck, Jr., Episcopalians and Race: Civil War to Civil Rights (Kentucky, 2000).
Anna M. Speicher, The Religious World of Antislavery Women: Spirituality in the Lives of Five Abolitionist Lecturers (Syracuse, 1999).
Patricia Stephens, The Spiritual Baptist Faith: African New World Religious Identity, History and Testimony (Kamak House, 1999).
Patrick Taylor, ed., Nation Dance: Religion, Identity, and Cultural Difference in the Caribbean (Indiana, 2001).
Bobs M. Tusa and Herbert Randall, Faces of Freedom Summer: The Photographs of Herbert Randall (Alabama, 2000).
Grant Wacker, Heaven Below: Early Pentecostals and American Culture (Harvard, 2001).
Clarence Walker, We Can't Go Home Again: An Argument About Afrocentrism (Oxford, 2001).
Vincent L. Wimbush, African Americans and the Bible: Sacred Texts and Social Textures (Continuum, 2000).
Michael C. Wolfe, The Abundant Life Prevails: Religious Traditions of Saint Helena Island (Baylor, 2000).
Erica R.Armstrong, "Negro Wenches, Washer Women, and Literate Ladies: The Transforming Identities of African American Women in Philadelphia, 1780-1854," Columbia University, 2000.
Elaine Sue Caldbeck, "A Religious Life of Pauli Murray: Hope and Struggle," Northwestern University, 2000.
Juan M. Floyd-Thomas, "Creating a Temple and a Torum: Religion, Culture, and Politics in the Harlem Unitarian Church, 1920-1956," University of Pennsylvania, 2000.
Dawn J. Herd-Clark, "Dorchester Academy: The American Missionary Association in Liberty County, Georgia, 1867-1950," The Florida State University, 1999.
Kai Jackson-Issa, "Her Own Book: Autobiographical Practice in the Oral Narratives of Queen Mother Audley Moore," Emory University, 1999.
William C. Leonard, "Vigor in Arduis: A History of Boston's African-American Catholic Community, 1788-1988," Boston College, 1999.
Omar Maurice McRoberts, "Saving Four Corners: Religion and Revitalization in a Depressed Neighborhood," Harvard, 2000.
Robert Louis Miller, Jr., "The Meaning and Utility of Spirituality in the Lives of African American Gay Men Living with AIDS," Columbia University, 2000.
Andrew Scott Moore, "Catholics in the Modern South: The Transformation of a Religion and a Region, 1945-1975," University of Florida, 2000.
Eunjin Park, "Black and White American Methodist Missionaries in Liberia, 1820-1875," Columbia University, 1999.
Donelle Perry, "An Historical Into Women of the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana) and African American Relations, 1932-1998," Anderson University, 1999.
Walter Clifford Rucker, "'The River Floweth On': The African Social and Cultural Origins of Slave Resistance in North America, 1712-1831," University of California-Riverside, 1999.
Beth Ann Salerno, "Networks and Spheres: Female Anti-slavery Societies in the United States, 1820-1860," University of Minnesota, 2000.
Kevin David Smith, ""In God We trust": Religion, the Cold War, and Civil Rights in Milwaukee, 1947-1963," University of Wisconsin - Madison, 1999.
Raymond Ronald Sommerville, Jr., "The Evolution of "Colored" Methodism: The Impact of the Civil Rights Movement on the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, 1954-1968," Vanderbilt University, 1999.
James Hoke Sweet, "Recreating Africa: Race, Religion, and Sexuality in the African-Portuguese World, 1441-1770," City University of New York, 1999.
To submit an announcement or a new book listing for the next issue, use the Feedback form.
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