Wide Web Resources
Online Documents, Projects, and Exhibits
The African-American Experience in Ohio, 1850-1920
The Ohio Historical Society's digital collection "illuminates specific moments in the history of Ohio's African-Americans and provides an overview of their experiences during the time period 1850 to 1920 in the words of the people that lived them." The collection includes material by Presbyterian Minister John Rankin, AME Bishops Reverdy C. Ransom and Richard R. Wright, various handbooks and reports of the AME Church, the Western Union Baptist Association, photographs from the Ohio Baptist General Association and the Isaac S. Lane and Lenora C. Lane Collection , and scattered issues of the AME Church Review.The Dred Scott Case
This Washington University Libraries' site contains documents from the court cases, a chronology of events in Dred Scott's life and links to other relevant sites.North By South: The African-American Great Migration
Produced as part of a three-year project at Kenyon College on African-American migrations from south to north, this site focuses on the migration of African Americans from the Charleston to Harlem, from the Mississippi Delta to Chicago, and from Birmingham to Pittsburgh. Each case contains a discussion of religion and the Great Migration.Slavery and Religion in America: A Timeline, 1440-1866
The Internet Public Library's reference site provides this chronology.The Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia
Curator David Pilgrim designed the site to "promote the scholarly examination of historical and contemporary expressions of racism," to provide resources for teachers whose courses deal with issues of race and ethnicity, and to promote an ant-racist vision. The site contains essays on racist stereotypes and images froma a wide range of popular culture.Through One City's Eyes
This documentary history site uses Milwaukee, Wisconsin as a case study for exploring the Civil Rights Movement on the local level. The site features information about Father James Groppi who was active in boycotts and picketting for open housing.
Research Center and Institutes
Center for the Study of Southern Culture
Founded in 1977, The University of Mississippi's Center for the Study of Southern Culture has published the Encyclopedia of Southern Culture, The South: A Treasury of Art and Literature, and other reference works.South Atlantic Regional Humanities Center at the College of Charleston
This project is an initiative of the National Endowment for the Humanities and will address issues of history and culture in in Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia, Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands with significant attention to African American history and culture.
Web Sites of Groups and Organizations
The Balm in Gilead, Inc.
Pernessa C. Seele founded the project "to empowering churches in the struggle against the devastation of HIV/AIDS in the Black community. The Balm In Gilead's pioneering achievements have enabled thousands of churches to become leaders in preventing HIV by providing comprehensive educational programs and offering compassionate support to encourage those infected to seek and maintain treatment." The site contains information on Balm in Gilead programs, national conferences, and a directory of churches active in AIDS prevention and support of people living with HIV/AIDS.The Tommy Garcia Story
The web page of a man who lived with Father and Mother Divine at the Woodmont Estate in the 1960s.
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