Session 3: Unix, the Internet and the Web
Recap of last week
The concept of tagging
- Textual properties are defined by tags
- All tages begin with a "<" and end with a ">"
- Most tags are paired with a closed tag, which begins with a
- Some tags have no closing tags, e.g. <HR>
- Some tags have closing tags which are usually not required,
e.g. <P>
- Some tags contain attributes, which are specified in the
opening tag in the form of NAME="VALUE", e.g. <A
- Tags are organized into a hierarchy
The concept of "raw" text
What's the difference between and HTML file and a wordprocessing
file, like a WordPerfect file?
Raw text files can be viewed and edited in almost any
text editor, on most operating systems WordPerfect and other
proprietary files must be edited in the program that created them,
and on the same operating system Proprietary files can be converted
to other formats
The core tag set
Document tags
Format tags
- <Hx>, <P>*, <B>, <U>, <I>,
<BR>*, <HR>*
Hypertext tags
- <A HREF="url">
- URL = "Universal Resource Locator", i.e. the address of the
document syntax: http://server/path/filename
*: Non-paired or optionally paired tags
Since you are working in Unix,remember these rules about naming
- Use lowercase because Unix is "case sensitive"
- Use standard extensions (*.html, *.txt) because Unix programs
use these to identify the kind of file
- Use "alphanumeric" characters, with underscores and dashes for
spaces, since Unix reserves other characters--like spaces,
asterisks and slashes--for other purposes
- A few more HTML tags
- Taking stock of the overall process of web document writing
- A Unix survival guide
A few more HTML tags
The IMG tag
This tag allows you to place images in your text The images can be
anywhere on the web, including your own disk of course
EXERCISE: Put an image in your web document
- Decide on a single folder to put all of your working files
- Use a floppy disk, or create a folder
- Open Netscape
- Log onto any page that has an image Suggestion:
- Download an image to your local disk
- Close Netscape
- Open AOLPress
- Create a new page or use an old one
- Get into HTML mode
- Create a page that points to the image with the following tag
- Return to WYSIWYG mode
- The IMG tag has no pair
- The IMG tag requires the attribute SRC
- The SRC attribute takes a URL as a value, just like HREF
- The URL must be a GIF or a JPEG file
- The IMG tag uses optionally other attributes, such as HEIGHT
- IMG tags can be wrapped in an <A HREF ...> tag to become
- When a GIF or JPEG image file is given as a URL to an HREF
attribute in an A tag, the image will be opened up in a new page
Exercise: Create a hyperlink out of an image file
- Create the IMG tag in HTML mode
- Create the IMG tag with AOLPress
Other layout tags
EXERCISE: Create a list
- Use AOLPress to create a list then look at it in HTML mode
- Use button to indent
- Use Ctrl-Enter to reverse indent
EXERCISE: Create a table
- Use AOLPress to create the code then look at it
- Writing indented lists and tables can be difficult without a
WYSIWIG editor
- WYSIWIG editors aren't perfect either
Taking Stock
Creating web pages requires working with files on your Unix
You connect to your the Unix server via a set of clients, e.g. FTP
and Telnet
Why so many clients?
Each client performs a specific task
- Gives you direct access to files and programs on your account
- Gives you access to files and allows you to move them from one
machine to another, in particular to and from your local machine
Netscape (HTTP)
- Allows you and anyone else in the world to view the HTML
documents that reside on your account
Notice that all clients access the same machine
- They all use the same "IP address"
- Telnet and FTP require a password, whereas Netscape does not
Given that your files are on a Unix account, but that you access
that account with a PC or Mac, there are at least two modes of
"authoring" web documents:
- The "local mirror approach"
- The "direct editing approach"
In either case, to acquire facility in web authoring at Princeton
you will need to know something about Unix
A Unix survival kit
Dealing with a command-line interface
- Requires recall, not recognition
- Can be faster
- Designed for programming
- Directories are like Macintosh folders
- Unix, like DOS, uses the metaphor of branching vs. nesting
- A directory within, or under, another directory is a
- One navigates through directories with commands on the
"command line"
The Command Line
- The command line is the space where you are prompted to enter
- It is usually preceded by a "$" or "%"
- Commands are like verbs, they take direct and indirect objects
called "arguments"
- They also take "switches", which modify how the command is
- In general, switches come before arguments
- These ideas are best understood by example
Some Basic Commands
- This command shows you your current "path"
- A "path" is your location in the directory system
- Directories are separated by forward slahes ("/")
- This command needs no arguments
- This command allows you to list the contents of a directory
- ls takes as an argument the directory you want to look in; if
no argument is given, it looks in the current directory
- ENTER: "ls"
- ENTER: "ls public_html"
- If you want to look for files of a certain kind, you can use
wildcards "*" stands for any number of any character "?" stands
for a single instance of any character
- For example, "ls *.html" will list all the files in a
directory that end in ".html", while 'ls *.ht*" will list files
that end in ".htm" as well.
- -l is a switch that lets you look at detailed information
about your files and directories
- If the file list is too long, you can enter "ls -l | more"
- The "|" allows you "pipe" the output of one command into
- Don't worry about how this works for now
- Note the output of ls -l. What you see is a list of all the
files and directories in the directory from which you issued the
- Listed with each item is a set of properties
- The very first character on the left tells you if it is a
file or a directory
- The rest of the left-hand set contains information about
the permissions associated with each item
- Notice that there are three sets of three places, each
filled with either a "-", "r", "w", "x", or "s".
- "r", "w", and "x" refer to READ, WRITE and EXECUTE
- The first three characters refer to the rights of the
- The last three characters refer to the rights of the
- Don't worry about the middle
- The middle column specifies the owner of each item
- The right-hand column gives info about the file itself,
such as its size, time and date of creation, and name
- You will notice a "." and a ".." at the top of your list.
- ".." refers to the directory about the current directory
- This becomes useful when you want to move around, which you
can do with the "cd" command
- This command means "change directory"
- It takes a directory path as an arguments
- ".." can be used to stand for back one directory
- Without an argument, cd takes you to your root directory
- You can specify a directory in either relative or absolute
- A relative directory is one relative to the current directory,
whereas an absolute one is specified with the full path
- relative: cd public_html
- absolute: cd /u/alvarado/public_html
- Notice the importance of the initial slash: it stands for the
root directory of the system
- Makes a directory below the current directory (unless an
absolute path is given)
- Removes the directory specified in the argument, which can
either be absolute or relative
- Moves or renames a file
- The first argument is file to be moved or renamed, the second
is the directory into which the file is to be moved OR the new
name for the file
- Nota bene: if you move to a directory that doesn't exist, the
file will be renamed to the the name of the nonexistent directory
- This command changes the mode, of permissions of a file.
- It takes two arguments: the set of permssions and the files to
be changed
- Example:
- "chmod a+r foo.html" will add read rights for the world,
signified by "a", to the file "foo.html"
- Here some other examples of the first argument:
- u+w : add write rights to the user
- a-w : take away write rights from the world
Some programs
Your directory structure
- The directory that you are in when you log on to your account
is called your "root" directory
- Your root directory contains a number of directories and files
- These are used by programs that are already built into your
account, like pico
- The "public_html" subdirectory has a special status; it maps
onto a URL