Session 3: Unix, the Internet and the Web

Recap of last week

The concept of tagging

The concept of "raw" text

What's the difference between and HTML file and a wordprocessing file, like a WordPerfect file?

Raw text files can be viewed and edited in almost any text editor, on most operating systems WordPerfect and other proprietary files must be edited in the program that created them, and on the same operating system Proprietary files can be converted to other formats

The core tag set

Document tags

Format tags

Hypertext tags

*: Non-paired or optionally paired tags


Since you are working in Unix,remember these rules about naming files:


A few more HTML tags

The IMG tag

This tag allows you to place images in your text The images can be anywhere on the web, including your own disk of course

EXERCISE: Put an image in your web document

  1. Decide on a single folder to put all of your working files
  2. Open Netscape
  3. Log onto any page that has an image Suggestion:
  4. Download an image to your local disk
  5. Close Netscape
  6. Open AOLPress
  7. Create a new page or use an old one
  8. Get into HTML mode
  9. Create a page that points to the image with the following tag
  10. Return to WYSIWYG mode


Exercise: Create a hyperlink out of an image file

Other layout tags

EXERCISE: Create a list

  1. Use AOLPress to create a list then look at it in HTML mode
  2. Use button to indent
  3. Use Ctrl-Enter to reverse indent

EXERCISE: Create a table

  1. Use AOLPress to create the code then look at it


Taking Stock

Creating web pages requires working with files on your Unix account

You connect to your the Unix server via a set of clients, e.g. FTP and Telnet

Why so many clients?

Each client performs a specific task



Netscape (HTTP)

Notice that all clients access the same machine

Given that your files are on a Unix account, but that you access that account with a PC or Mac, there are at least two modes of "authoring" web documents:

In either case, to acquire facility in web authoring at Princeton you will need to know something about Unix

A Unix survival kit

Dealing with a command-line interface


The Command Line

Some Basic Commands









Some programs

Your directory structure