Introductory Logic: Course Information

Spring 2012

Prerequisites. None

instructoremailoffice, 1879 Hall
Ashley Atkinslatkins227
Hans Halvorsonhhalvors220
Noel Swansonnwswanso227

Course Webpage.

Required Textbook. E. J. Lemmon, Beginning Logic. ISBN 0915144506. There are many introductory logic textbooks, and we have read dozens of them. After careful thought about which would best serve the goals of this course, we chose Lemmon's classic textbook.

Optional Reading. If you find Lemmon's text to be too terse in places, then we recommend Paul Tomassi Logic as a more prolix companion.

Course Description. A person makes an "argument" when they try to back up a claim (conclusion) with some evidence (premises). Of course, you make and evaluate arguments all of the time, and you are already proficient at these tasks. But have you ever stepped back to ask what it means to say that something is a good argument? What principles or rules discriminate between good and bad arguments?

To keep things simple, we focus first on deductive arguments -- where the premises of the argument are supposed to "entail" its conclusion. Due to some remarkable progress made in the 20th century, we now have a simple and elegant formal characterization of good deductive arguments. In this course, you will learn the details of this characterization, and you will learn to use it to extend your skill and confidence at making and evaluating arguments.

Course Objectives. If you successfully complete this course, then ...

Lectures. Mon & Wed, 10:00-10:50am in Lewis Lab, Room 003.

Precepts. Precepts meet one hour per week, beginning the second week of classes. We will post precept assignments on the course webpage by Friday, Feb 10. If your original precept assignment conflicts with another course or precept, you can request a change into a different section by sending e-mail to the Coordinating AI (Noel Swanson: nwswanso). The Coordinating AI is not permitted to overenroll a precept. If you drop the course, please notify the Coordinating AI so that he can delete your name from the precept list. If you are waiting for a reply concerning a requested precept change, then you should attend your originally assigned precept -- unless this precept conflicts with the lecture for another course, in which case you may attend the precept you have requested to enter. If you are still unsure of your precept assignment at the time the first homework assignment is due, you should submit your assignment (with an accompanying note) to the Professor.

Requirements and Grades.

Academic Integrity. In-class examinations are closed-book, closed-notes, and your behavior is to be governed by the honor code. Regarding homework assignments, we encourage preliminary discussions and brainstorming among students. However, in no case should a student submit a solution to a problem that does not largely represent her/his own work. If in doubt about the status of a collaborative effort, please discuss the case with your preceptor.

The exercises and exams in this course are designed to make you a better thinker. Studies have shown that better thinking is positively correlated with success in life. If you want to become a better thinker, then you will not cheat in this course.

Disability Information. If you have a disability, you should notify the Professor and the appropriate administrative offices at the beginning of the semester so that we can make accommodations for you.

Grievance Procedures are described in Princeton's Rights, Rules, Responsibilities handbook.