Critic and designer Karel Teige said that the cover of a book must be like a poster advertisement. His work was part of the golden age of avant-garde Czech book design, begun in 1920 with the poets and artists of the Devetsil Artistic Union (DAU). Their designs appeared on trade books from many publishing houses and influenced a generation of graphic artists. Here are a few examples. For more, see the Cooper Hewitt’s exhibition website:
Ludwig Renn (born Arnold Friedrich Vieth von Golsseneau, 1889-1979), Valka (Prague: Vaclav Petra, 1930). Wrapper design by Josef Kaplický (1899-1962). Graphic Arts (GAX) 2009- in process
Jaroslav R. Vávra (1902-1990), Petrolejáři (Oil): román z anglo-americké petrolejové války 1927 (Prague: Druzstevní práce, 1937). Wrapper design by John Heartfield (1891-1968). Graphic Arts (GAX) 2009- in process
F. Slang (pseud. for Fritz Hampel), Kriznik Potemkin. Povstani Namorniku Pred Odescu 1905 (Prague: Jan Fromek, 1926). Wrapper design by Karel Teige (1900-1951). Graphic Arts (GAX) 2009- in process
Milor Vitek, Mauthausen 1942 Dachau 1945 (Brno: Klub Kounicových Koleji, 1946). Cover design by Zdeněk Rossmann (1905-1984). Graphic Arts (GAX) 2009- in process
Hubert Renfro Knickerbocker (1898-1949), Rudy Obchod Hrozi (The Red Trade Menace)(Prague: Nakladem Ĉeska Graficke Unie, 1932). Wrapper design by Josef Hesoun. Graphic Arts (GAX) 2009- in process
Theodor Prochazka, V Předvečer Války (Prague: Melantrich, 1945). Cover design by Karel Teige (1900-1951). Graphic Arts (GAX) 2009- in process
Karel Schulz (1899-1943), Dama U Vodotrysku (Prague: Ladislav Kuncir, 1926). Wrapper design by the partnership of Jindrich Styrsky (1899-1942) and Toyen (born Marie Cerminova, 1902-1980). Graphic Arts (GAX) 2009- in process
Georges Le Fèvre, Jsem vyvrhel! (Prague: Knihy Litevny, 1931). Cover design by L. Hradsky. Graphic Arts (GAX) 2009- in process