The Graduate U-Council


What do the various CPUC Committees do?

Executive Committee
The Executive Committee members of the Graduate U-Council play an important role. In addition to attending the regular monthly (every 6 weeks, actually) meeting, they also plan the agenda for the meeting. That is, one to two weeks prior to each CPUC meeting, the Executive Committee meets to discuss what should be on the agenda. As graduate student members, we have raised issues such as graduate student housing, health care, and post-enrollment concerns, which have subsequently been included as part of the general CPUC meetings.

Resources Committee
The Resources Committee was formed in response to the University community's desire to see something done about apartheid South Africa in the early 1980s, specifically the call for divestment from companies doing business in South Africa. The Resources Committee addresses any ethical issues involved with the University's investments or resources. Most significantly, the Resources Committee has addressed the issue of "sweatshop" labor, Princeton's involvement with the Fair Labor Association and other related issues. Responsibilities entail a commitment to the explorations of issues of investment and social responsibility and two to three 2 hour meetings a school year.

Priorities Committee
The main task of the Priorities Committee is to balance the budget of the University. People make presentations to PriCom, which makes recommendations to the President. The President makes proposals to the Trustees. From October through December, PriCom typically meets 2-3 times per week, sometimes for up to 3 hours.

Governance Committee
The governance committee meets occasionally (once or twice a year) to review issues that come before the Board of Trustees, and is part of the Honorary Degrees committee, which meets a few times a year to select the honorary degree recipients. This is a lot of fun, actually, and you get to interact with some pretty impressive people on the committee; it's an interesting chance to see what constitutes greatness from Princeton's perspective.

Judicial Committee
Description to come.

Rights and Rules Committee
Description to come.

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