Linear Algebra on the Princeton Campus
This is a Forum for exchange of ideas on the teaching of Linear Algebra on the Princeton Campus. You can participate by sending email to Harvey Lam, who will cut and paste your writings onto this web page. If you want to, you can write something and store you file in a `world readable' directory on your own computer, and send him the URL so that he can direct a link to it.

Harvey Lam, Ingrid Daubechies, Bernard Chazelle, Rene Carmona, XiuXiong Chen, Christodoulos Floudas, Yannis Kevrekidis, Simon Kochen, Joseph Kohn, Robert Vanderbei, Sergio Verdu, James Wei.

Click Final Report to see the 1999 report written by an ad hoc SEAS Committe on Applied Mathematics.

The following two courses (204 is the `harder' version' of 202) are the only offerings (undergraduate or graduate) on the Princeton Campus on the subject of Linear Algebra at the present time---except for a special Linear Algebra for Econ Majors  course designed for economics undergraduates.
Two followup applied math undergraduate courses which assumed knowledge of linear algebra are:

Issues being discussed here:

The MAT 202/204 Forum

The MAT 3XX Forum

The Computer, Software Forum